Wow, vilken färgprakt när Hmong people firar Nyår. I år sammanföll det med årsskiftet 2024-2025, men för Hmong kan det inträffa mellan november och januari, beroende på månvarven. Det firas för att hedra förfäder och andar, behålla traditioner och önska goda skördar.
Their traditional New Year's celebration has its own beauty and cuteness. The New Year's celebration or New Year's tradition takes place annually at the end of the harvest season which is a very cheerful festival for the Hmong and is to celebrate the success of harvesting of each year. The celebration contains worshipping spirits of sky, forest and house who provide them protection, happiness and agricultural products throughout the year.
This New Year's celebration of Hmong is called "Noj Peb Caug". Hmong New Year celebrations normally occur from November to January. On the day, the leader of each family would perform a religious ceremony for luck. 3 days after New Year's eve which are the first, second and third day of the first month, they will officially have a New Year's celebration which is the period when everyone stops doing all their work and plays games such as playing spinning tops or singing Hmong songs in the festival. Hmong New Year's celebrations are held by every Hmong group around the world. The characteristic of the Hmong is their colorful costumes.
De hade först firat i avlägsen by i Mae Rim. Jag hade turen att se ett sådant firande för fem år sedan, kolla denna länken.
Avslutande festligheterna hölls på ett stort fält intill den också pågående "Charming Chiang Mai Flower Festival" (nära 700 Stadium) i fredags.
Det var ett väldigt stort område, men jag hade turen att ta rygg på ett sällskap på väg till sitt firande.
En speciell lek. Ett klot med spets undertill kastas iväg med en lina från en käpp. Motspelaren ska försöka träffa och vid träff se vilket klot som spinner längst tid.
A Hmong hill tribe man playing top spinning competition (traditional game of tujlub which involves spinning wooden tops hurled with string and sticks. While one top is still spinning, another person tries to hit it. If they don't hit it, they're out. If they do hit it, the winner is the one whose top continues spinning the longest.)
Blomster-parken ligger nära och några Hmong passade på att även besöka den, inte minst för fotografering.