18 juni 2020

Mae Kha Canal - Kulturarv

Vallgraven och befästningsmurarna runt gamla stan i Chiang Mai är välkänt för alla besökare.

En yttre kanal med på sina håll en tillhörande jordvall är mindre känd. Mae Kha Canal var för länge sedan ett viktigt vattensystem i staden. Efter förfall och nedsmutsning har man på senaste tiden startat rensning och uppröjning.

Det senaste initiativet ägde rum i dag, torsdag 18 juni. Plats; Kamphaeng Ngam Community Office. Befolkningen är engagerade och involverade i att behålla den traditionella bebyggelsen kring kanalen i ett grönskande område inte långt ifrån det turistiska Night Bazaar. Man blandar Buddhism med animism, vilket kan ses i form små andetempel.

Så här flaggade "Out and about in CHiang Mai" om händelsen i dag:

Animo-religious ceremony this Thursday, June 18h, 2020 🗿
The Moat, in the heart of the city, is an unmistakable feature of Chiang Mai. But there is another characteristic that makes the Rose of the North special, and that is its many canals, alas covered over the years, which extend far beyond the city itself.
💧 A year ago, a community was born to rehabilitate this network by developing the canals, Imagine Mae Kha, Mae Kha being the name of one of the canals in question. As for the Kamphaeng Ngam community, it has rehabilitated an area where one can see the city's ancient fortifications. Today's celebration, a mixture of animist and Buddhist beliefs, aims to pay homage to the spirit of the canal. The ceremony thus marks the anniversary of this community but above all its alliance with other communities in the city, all of which are working to preserve the cultural heritage of Chiang Mai, in particular the association that aims to have Chiang Mai included in the World Heritage List.

Utdrag från en utredning från 2016:

Having roles as a city guardian, cultural features, and irrigation system, Mae Kha Canal was one of the most important components of Chiang Mai water system. Unfortunately, the unregulated growth due to a rapid urbanization since 1985 has caused the canal to suffer with massive amounts of pollution. As a consequence, the city turns its back on the canal, and makes it a dumping site. This project provides a comprehensive study and thoroughly analysis in historical, environmental, and planning aspects. The proposal aims to revitalize the image as well as reestablish a relationship between people and nature. In order to achieve a sustainable development of Chiang Mai, three water treatment methods are proposed in accordance with the existing land use planning aiming to create a linear park framework along the canal. Moreover, a landscape urban infrastructure is proposed to be a pilot project of wetland water treatment. The design demonstrates the strong capability of landscape intervention that can resolve the severe problems of water quality and bring about quality of life.

Nu till bilderna vid mitt besök i dag.

Jag fick en introduktion och liten guidning av denna trevliga kvinnan.

Jag vågade mig till slut upp på den leriga uthuggna trappan till jordvallen.
Där var det pyntat i ett annat andehus.

Nedanför, vardagssysslor med tvättkorg för en flicka.

Glad hälsning när jag lämnade området.

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