08 november 2012

Det BLIR omspel CM FC-Trat FC. Domaren avstängd.

Efterspelet av fotbollen från förra inlägget har nu resulterat i att matchen ska spelas om !!!
Och domaren (från tumultmatchen) är avstängd tills vidare.

Stort ordkrig i Youtube och Facebook har brutit ut mellan de olika fansen, där Trat-anhängarna drar till med att "Chiang Mai är en fotbollsmaffia".

Från Chiang Mai City News:

Chiang Mai FC VS Trat FC to be Replayed

after Fans go Flipping Mental

Nov 8, 2012

CityNews – After the chaos of the last match Saturday 3rd November,
AIS Regional League Association considered an appeal from Chiang Mai FC to replay the full match.
The referee after being hit in the face with a missile
On Tuesday 6th November, at the conference room at the offices of the Football Association of Thailand, Wimon Kanjana and the committee from the AIS Regional League Association, discussed the plaint from Chiang Mai FC concerning what they said was unfair refereering in the match that saw Chiang Mai FC draw against Trat FC. Videos and pictures of the game were studied.
It was agreed that the result of the game in question is now void and the game will be played again. The replay will be at 700 Year Stadium in the upcoming weeks. Additionally, the association has temporarily banned the referee.
Montree Harnjai, the general manager of CMFC said, “I agree with the result. Regarding the chaos after the game finished, CMFC should also be penalised by the FA. Security will also have to be better in future games so that fans can’t invade the pitch.”
Wichien Sabjaroen, a board member at Trat FC angrily told the press: “I can’t believe it. There’s no way this game should have to be replayed.”
On fan sites on YouTube and Facebook fans from both sides argued about this decision, with most Trat fans saying that 'Chiang Mai is a football mafia'.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Vilka konstiga byxor det blå laget har - jeans el jeans-shorts! Svennis lär ju jobba i Thailand nu, han kanske kan förklara för dem hur det ska se ut? Fridens från Inter net fan.

  2. Det är mycket som är "konstigt" med Thailändsk fotboll. Som inte ens Svennis kan råda bot på.
